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We are experts at scanning your documents right here in Seattle

Lady in red with scanned files on USB

If you need digitized copies of your documents, our experience can make it happen professionally. We are trained to use the best of commercial scanners with special technical and imaging skills. We can take just about anything you give us and turn it into a close digital copy of its paper original. Our professional grade scanners will provide you with digital copies which are then organized in files that are quick and easy to navigate.

USB stick with paperclips

Scanning services are for more than saving space!

Scanning documents into digital format has become more of a necessity, rather than just a convenience in our age of digital devices. People want instant access to everything, including work or personal documents. If you want to be able to view your documents from anywhere, or share your documents with anyone, scanning will make that possible.

The real cost of document scanning: it's more than a price!

When making the choice to go paperless, it's important to consider the long-term effects. Scanning is a one-time service that you only need to invest in once. However, once you've had your documents scanned, you will continue to save money on a number of features that are only available to digital files.

Also, having your files digitized and stored on a secure server will give you peace of mind knowing that your documents are safe from theft, fire, deterioration or misplacement. This alone is priceless.